�Myn Oi�: the Nature and the Human Being


ALMATY, Feb 24


Do you remember Snegurochka tale and how Snegurochka became sad, when everybody was happy and sang and danced in a ring?

Everybody, except Snegurochka celebrated Spring, and the Sun, a symbol of the Man and life. The hymn to the Sun runs through the mankind�s history, from the primitive society. Do you remember how wonderfully the Sun Hymn sounds in the opera Snegurochka by Rimsky-Korsakov? Or how Song of Haiavat by Longfellow impresses?

Every mythology is the result of the man�s trials to explain secretes of the Universe. Ancient myths, legends, rituals and symbols seem so similar that we ask whether there was the common sources of the culture � the Ancient Civilization.

The credo of the group of Uigurian artists Myn Oi (�thousand philosophic thoughts�) is the connection of the times. The image of the Sun is the connecting needle. Artists picture the harmony of all elements of the Universe, wonderful consent between the Man, the Nature and the Universe; the ecological balance, immanence of the world�s perfection, balance of the real being and the supreme spiritual conscience, the universal common system of life and cognition.

The Sun is a collective image by the ancient Maya, Indians, and Egyptians. Six Uigurian artists � Ruslan Yusupov, Abdukarim Isa, Kurash Zulfukarova, Muhabat Hitahunova, Hashim Kurbanov and Arken Zulfakurov - united base don this symbol. The unity of their opinions, and outlooks, attitude to life and culture helped the above-mentioned artists to cope with loneliness and to join together as Myn Oi.

The painting 26 meters in length that they presented at the opening of the Parade of Galleries proves the spiritual unity of the 6 painters. During 8 years Myn Oi has been conducting creative search. If anyone of them begins to doubt in his possibilities, his friends never leave him. This collectivism helps them to survive and create in this difficult time. Moreover, it helps them to realize their ideas, which seemed to be Utopian, including the idea of synthesis of arts.

Let�s refer to Wagner and Skryabin�s creation. Both the German composer�s idea of the World�s Opera and the Russian romantic�s dream of Symphony of the World failed. Though the composers� dreams did not come true, on February 18 their ideas were realized when the gallery Myn Oi opened. Each picture was accompanied by music and a ritual dance, that symbolized the creation process, from idea to its concentration into the �tangible� creation. Thus, the audience watch not just a finished plot or image, but unconscious and subconscious processes that affect the artist in the moment of creative work.

The finished canvas combined with music and dance does not require any artificial installations or anything super-human. Everything is as natural as the nature is.

History of the second millennium

February 21 1972 U.S. President Richard M. Nixon arrives to Beijing, the capital of the People�s Republic of China, on the first presidential visit to the world�s most populous nation. As the federal government had formally opposed China�s Communist government since it took power in 1949, Nixon is also the first president to visit a nation not recognized by the United States.

February 22 1819 Spanish minister Do Luis de Onis and U.S. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams sign the Florida Purchase Treaty, in which Spain agrees to cede the remainder of its old province of Florida to the United States.

February 22 1967 Indonesian President Achmad Sukarno surrenders all executive authority to Indonesian premier and military dictator General Suharto, remaining president in title only. Two years earlier, General Suharto, the Indonesian army chief of staff, led the army in suppressing a Communist coup against President Sukarno.

February 23 1898 During the Dreyfus Affair, French writer Emile Zola is imprisoned for his publication of J�Accuse, a controversial open letter to French President Felix Faure that accuses the French judiciary of giving into pressure from the military to perpetuate a cover-up in the Dreyfus treason case

February 24 1868 The U.S. House of Representatives votes eleven articles of impeachment against President Andrew Johnson, nine of which cite Johnson�s removal of Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton in violation of the Tenure of Office Act. The House vote makes President Johnson the first president to be impeached in U.S. history.

February 24 1946 In Argentina, Juan Domingo Peron, who led a military coup in 1943, is elected president by a wide electoral majority. The year before, Peron was imprisoned after declaring himself a presidential candidate, but mass demonstrations by Argentine workers and public appeals from his charismatic wife, Eva Duarte de Peron, forced his release.

February 24 1991 After six weeks of intensive bombing against Iraq and its armed forces, U.S.-led coalition forces launch a ground invasion of Kuwait and Iraq. On August 2, 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, its tiny, oil rich neighbor, and within hours Iraqi forces had occupied most strategic positions in the country.

February 26 1976 Spain completes its withdrawal from Spanish Sahara, a former colonial territory in northeastern Africa. The next day, the people of the phosphate-rich desert territory proclaim the independent Saharan Arab Democratic Republic with Spanish approval.

February 27 1897 Great Britain agrees to U.S. arbitration in a border dispute between Venezuela and British Guiana, defusing a dangerous U.S.-British diplomatic crisis. In 1841, gold was discovered in eastern British Guinana, intensifying a long-standing boundary dispute between Britain and Venezuela.

February 26 1829 Levi Strauss (creator of blue jeans or �Levi�s�) was born.

February 27 1933 In Germany, the Reichstag�the German Parliament�s historic headquarters�is set to flames on the orders of German chancellor and Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The Nazi Party�s propaganda officers publicize the attack as a Communist plot, and Marius van der Lubbe, an innocent Dutchman, is executed for starting the fire.

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